Monday, December 1, 2008


I feel I should apologize to anyone that might be following my blog... I haven't posted anything new in quite some time, but I have excuse(s)!! First of all, turkey day took a lot of my time. Even though no family came to visit, I did have a friend fly up here (thanks Danielle!) to take part in turkey festivities, and help keep me somewhat sane. Not that I've ever really been "sane" per se, just that normally I'm able to maintain some semblance of it!
Another reason for my lack of blogging, is my constant search for gainful employment, which has finally begun to pay off! I just landed a very decent gig as a bartender at a local casino, which promises to be both fun and lucrative. Maybe once I start getting regular paychecks, I can return to my floccinaucinihilipilification of money! Sorry guys, couldn't resist that one...

That's all for now, but I will be much more diligent in my posting now that the holiday is over, and now that I have a job. Much less to worry about, much more to write about.

Actually, I lied. One more thing... I've been thinking about starting a broadcast on youtube. I'll start with a few small ones, and see how it goes. Let me know if you have any ideas for shows, short stories, musical requests, etc...

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